Thursday, September 11, 2014

"The Lesson" and The Broken Window Fallacy

TODAY: Roses and Thorns, Quick Write, (Check Homework) , "The Lesson" Mini Seminar" Read and Introduce the Broken Window Fallacy, BWF Mini Seminar. Debrief BWF, HOMEWORK

Quick Write: Describe a time when you have made a decision where Hazlet would describe you as acting as a  "Good Economist" or a "Bad Economist".

Opening question for mini seminar.
Why is this an important lesson for everyone, not just economists?
Look to study guide questions for further conversation.

Seminar Reflection:

1.  Describe something you thought was provocative about the article. 
2. What part of the text did you site during the conversation and why?
3. Write down something interesting someone said during your conversation and how it affected your thinking.

Discuss: Can overall wealth be created by destroying things?

Secondary questions:

How would the bad economist interpret the situation of the broken window?
How would the good economist interpret the situation of the broken window?

HOMEWORK (DUE NEXT BLOCK DAY, 16th or 17th) Read "The Blessings of Destruction", answer study guide questions, and be ready for a seminar.

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