Tuesday, September 30, 2014

TODAY: Roses and Thorns, Test Reminder, Quick Write (Check Homework), Economic Systems continued, Test Review If Time.

Quick Write: Make a T-Chart of the costs and benefits of a "Pure Market" Economy.

ON THUR. 10/2 -FRI. 10/3

Monday, September 29, 2014

TODAY: Roses and Thorns, Quick Write, Begin Economic Systems, Homework Reminder

Can pursuing individual self interest (Profit) promote the general welfare of society? Answer the question and describe an example.

Homework: (Due Next Block Day 9/30-10/1) Complete Objectives from Chapter 2. 1 & 2.2Demonstrate understanding of the objectives on pages 33 & 41. You must use all the "Key Terms on the same page. (Your best bet is to read the chapter and group the "Key Terms" by objective first) 

ON THUR. 10/2 -FRI. 10/3

Thursday, September 25, 2014

TODAY: Roses and Thorns, ( PERS. 1 AND 6 HAND BACK REFLECTIONS), Change in grade scale, Finish Ch. 1 Presentation, 20th Century Motor Co. Reading, Seminar, and reflection, Homework

Homework: (Due Next Block Day 9/30-10/1) Complete Objectives from Chapters 2. 1  &2.2 Demonstrate understanding of the objectives on pages 33 & 41. You must use all the "Key Terms on the same page. (Your best bet is to read the chapter and group the "Key Terms" by objective first) 

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

TODAY: Roses and Thorns,  Quick Write, Start Ch 1.2 & 1.3 Presentation

What is the difference between "Rational Self Interest" and "Selfishness"?

See page 12 of your text if needed.


Monday, September 22, 2014

Roses and Thorns, QUICK THINK,Continue Ch. 1.1 Presentation

QUICK THINK: Where would you rather be right now than in economics class?

HOMEWORK:  (Due Next Block Day) Demonstrate understanding of the objectives for Chapter 1.2 & 1.3 of "Contemporary Economics" on pages 10, and 19. You must use all the "Key Terms on the same pages. Add "Normative" & "Positive" to 1.2 (Your best bet is to read the chapter and group the "Key Terms" by objective first) Also describe an example for each objective from "The Island of Mocha".

Thursday, September 18, 2014

TODAY: Roses and Thorns, Table discussion and quick write, Trade Game, Ch. 1.1 Presentation, Intro To Ch. 1.2 & 1.3 Homework.

Discussion and quick write:
How can individuals gain wealth?

How can overall wealth be created?
Are these both the same?

HOMEWORK:  (Due Next Block Day) Demonstrate understanding of the objectives for Chapter 1.2 & 1.3 of "Contemporary Economics" on pages 10, and 19. You must use all the "Key Terms on the same pages. Add "Normative" & "Positive" to 1.2 (Your best bet is to read the chapter and group the "Key Terms" by objective first) Also describe an example for each objective from "The Island of Mocha".

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

"Blessings of Destruction"

TODAY: Roses and Thorns, Table Group Discussion,(Pass Back Homework), "Blessings of Destruction" Seminar,  Intro To Ch. 1.1 Homework.

At your table group discuss....

What is the difference between "Need" and "Demand"?

HOMEWORK: (Due next class) Demonstrate understanding of the 
Chapter 1.1 of Contemporary Economics objectives on page 5. You must use all the "Key Terms on the same pages. (Your best bet is to glance over the chapter and group the "Key Terms" by objective first) Also describe an example for each objective from "The Island of Mocha".

Video Contest Intro If Time

Monday, September 15, 2014

The Broken Window Continued...

TODAY: Roses and Thorns, "Broken Window Fallacy" Video, Quick write,"The Broken Window" Revisited, (Homework Revisited)

Quick write: Think about, and maybe even re-read the, "Broken Window Fallacy." In the words of Frederic Bastiat this allegory is about things "Seen" and "Unseen".
Describe the "Seen" and "Unseen" in the allegory, there should be at least 3 people and 2 things.


HOMEWORK (DUE NEXT Class) Read "The Blessings of Destruction", answer study guide questions, and be ready for a seminar.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

"The Lesson" and The Broken Window Fallacy

TODAY: Roses and Thorns, Quick Write, (Check Homework) , "The Lesson" Mini Seminar" Read and Introduce the Broken Window Fallacy, BWF Mini Seminar. Debrief BWF, HOMEWORK

Quick Write: Describe a time when you have made a decision where Hazlet would describe you as acting as a  "Good Economist" or a "Bad Economist".

Opening question for mini seminar.
Why is this an important lesson for everyone, not just economists?
Look to study guide questions for further conversation.

Seminar Reflection:

1.  Describe something you thought was provocative about the article. 
2. What part of the text did you site during the conversation and why?
3. Write down something interesting someone said during your conversation and how it affected your thinking.

Discuss: Can overall wealth be created by destroying things?

Secondary questions:

How would the bad economist interpret the situation of the broken window?
How would the good economist interpret the situation of the broken window?

HOMEWORK (DUE NEXT BLOCK DAY, 16th or 17th) Read "The Blessings of Destruction", answer study guide questions, and be ready for a seminar.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

TODAY: Roses and Thorns, Debrief Part three of "Island of Mocha"  and continue "Return to Island of Mocha", HOMEWORK....

Final "Island of Mocha" question.

Why would an oil company produce this set of cartoons?

Does the fact that  an oil company produced these cartoons change the validity of the arguments?

Fallacy: nounplural fallacies.
a deceptive, misleading, or false notion, belief, etc.:
That the world is flat was at one time a popular fallacy.
a misleading or unsound argument.
deceptive, misleading, or false nature; erroneous.

Homework: Read EIOL Ch. 1 "The Lesson", Complete study guide and be ready for a seminar.

While reading "The Lesson" keep in mind the study guide questions and.... 
1. Circle words you don't understand even in context.
2. Underline words you think you learned by reading them in context.

Monday, September 8, 2014

TODAY: Roses and Thorns, Quick Write, Debrief Part one  and continue "Island of Mocha" 

 Discussion and Quick-write
At your table share and compare the answers you wrote down for the homework for "The Island of Mocha" part one. write down two new ideas you got from this discussion.

(5 minutes)

Over the next couple of classes we will be exploring more basic  ideas in economics using a series connected of animated videos. If you are absent please view the "Island of Mocha" videos and take notes using the "Island of Mocha Vocab and Questions"

Homework (Due next class) Answers to "Island of Mocha" part 2 and 3. View video and Complete "The Return to Mocha" vocab and study guide, PART ONE ONLY

Thursday, September 4, 2014

TODAY: Roses and Thorns, (Bulletin: 6th period only) Economics quotes and Serialized Questioning Quick-write (Check Homework), Finish "Intro" Presentation,  Debrief Part one  and continue "Island of Mocha" 

Answer the following questions:

1. What did you learn about economics from  the quotes and discussions?

2. What did you learn about your partner from the discussion?

Over the next couple of classes we will be exploring more basic  ideas in economics using a series connected of animated videos. If you are absent please view the "Island of Mocha" videos and take notes using the "Island of Mocha Vocab and Questions" (If Time)

Tuesday, September 2, 2014


TODAY: Name tents,  Roses and Thorns, Interview and Quick-write, Syllabus and classroom expectations, Save BLOG on phone, Begin intro to economics.  HOMEWORK!

Interview you partner and write down brief summaries of their answers to the following questions.

1. What were your two favorite things you did this Summer?

2. What is something you wanted to do but did not get the chance because you did something else?

Be ready to introduce your partner in 5 minutes or so.

Homework (Due next class) Watch "Island of Mocha" Part One only and complete study guide.