Thursday, January 29, 2015

TODAY: Roses and Thorns, iPencil, The Business Cycle hard and heavy,  Higher Education Bubble, Hayek & Keynes Round II If Time

Is there really such a thing as home made ice cream?

Why do you think the economy goes up and down instead of just growing?

"Mini Seminars"
Be ready for a one question reflection at the end of the period.

We will be using the "Infographic" as a seminar document. We will be analyzing it in 3 sections.

First Section 
What Drives Growth? Who has the best answer?

Second Section 
What causes the business cycle? Who has the best answer?

Third Section
What causes inflation? Is some good? Who has the best answer?

Be ready for me to call on anyone in your group to share out

Reflection: Who's theory of the business cycle seems most correct?  Why? (Due Tues/Wed February 3rd/4th)

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

TODAY: Roses and Thorns, Finish Gallery Walk,Test

Content: Last Unit; Money, Banking, Inflation

Monday, January 26, 2015

TODAY:  Hang Posters, Roses and Thorns, Finals Info, Gallery Walk Groups & Orientation, Gallery Walk

Content: Last Unit; Money, Banking, Inflation

PERIODS 1, 3, and 4: Tuesday the 27th
PERIODS 6 & 7: Wednesday the 28th

Thursday, January 22, 2015

TODAY: Roses and Thorns, Rubric Reminder, Project Work Time, Hang Posters on Wall before the end of the period.

krugman stimulus keynes broken window

Monday, January 19, 2015

TODAY: Roses and Thorns, Quick Write, Seminar using your group essay, Homework Reminder, Project clarification, Project work time

Quick Write: Describe how the essay for your group project is an example of "The Lesson" that describes a "Good Economist". Uses at least one specific example.

Open seminar by sharing the questions you came up with for your homework, then move on to your quick write and study guide questions.

LAST HOMEWORK OF THE SEMESTER! (Due Thurs / Fri Jan 22/23) Summaries and Articles as described on your project directions.

6th Period Only

Graffiti email

Please respond to these prompts and turn them into Mr. La Greide

1. How do these kinds of actions impact us and our school community?

2. How can we work together to help keep our school safe from vandalism, hate speech and threats of violence?

3. Please share any ideas or information that you may have about any of these incidents. Your insights, reflections and thoughts are important to us as well as your safety. We hope we can work together to make everyone feel safe and respected at our school.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

TODAY: Roses and Thorns, Late Work Deadline, Set up for project next week & homework, Seminar Prep, "Mirage of Inflation" Seminar, Reflection

The semester ends Thursday, January 29th. The last day ANY late work will be accepted is Friday, January 16th.

HOMEWORK: (Due Tues / Weds January 20/21) Complete study guide questions for the essay your group has been assigned and come up with a good opening seminar question to start your conversation next week.

LAST HOMEWORK OF THE YEAR! (Due Thurs / Fri Jan 22/23) Summaries and Articles as described on your project directions.

Opening Seminar Question(s)

1. How can Inflation be considered the "Opium of the people"? (end of section 5) 
2. How does Hazlett's example of groups "A", "B", "C" etc. show us an example or "The Lesson"?
3. Can the Federal Reserve System's policy fo having a 2 to 4% target for inflation be good for society?
4. How can inflation be considered a form of taxation?

Just thought all of you would enjoy this.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

TODAY: Roses and Thorns, Late Work Deadline, Homework, The Red Pill or the Blue Pill, Fraction Reserve Banking and The Federal Reserve

The semester ends Thursday, January 29th. The last day ANY late work will be accepted is Friday, January 16th.

HOMEWORK: (Due Thurs/Fri January 15/16 "Mirage of Inflation" study guide questions and be ready for seminar.

Monday, January 12, 2015

TODAY: Roses and Thorns, Late Work Deadline, Homework, Continue Money Banking and The Federal Reserve

The semester ends Thursday, January 29th. The last day ANY late work will be accepted is Friday, January 16th.

HOMEWORK:  (Due Tues/Wed January 13/14)  Answer these Checkpoint questions in Ch.13  Sections 2 "Inflation". They are on pages 393 and 394. Be sure you use all the Key Terms on page 391.

HOMEWORK: (Due Thurs/Fri January 15/16 "Mirage of Inflation" study guide questions and be ready for seminar.