Monday, January 19, 2015

TODAY: Roses and Thorns, Quick Write, Seminar using your group essay, Homework Reminder, Project clarification, Project work time

Quick Write: Describe how the essay for your group project is an example of "The Lesson" that describes a "Good Economist". Uses at least one specific example.

Open seminar by sharing the questions you came up with for your homework, then move on to your quick write and study guide questions.

LAST HOMEWORK OF THE SEMESTER! (Due Thurs / Fri Jan 22/23) Summaries and Articles as described on your project directions.

6th Period Only

Graffiti email

Please respond to these prompts and turn them into Mr. La Greide

1. How do these kinds of actions impact us and our school community?

2. How can we work together to help keep our school safe from vandalism, hate speech and threats of violence?

3. Please share any ideas or information that you may have about any of these incidents. Your insights, reflections and thoughts are important to us as well as your safety. We hope we can work together to make everyone feel safe and respected at our school.

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