Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Roses and Thorns: Prepare for debate, Homework, Debates  (probably continued on Monday)

HOMEWORK: (Due 11/4 - 11/5) Read the rest "Commerce, Market, and Peace". Circle vocab words you do not understand. Underline words you understand now because of context. Summarize the thesis of both "Commerce as a Justification of War", and "Liberty as Justification for War" What evidence is given for each thesis?

Write down at least 3 quotes with ideas that you might use in your "Markets Promote Peace" project.

Monday, October 27, 2014

TODAY: Roses and Thorns, Brief intro to Initiative and referendum and homework, Quiz, Work time for homework.

Describe assigned ballot measure in your own words and write a persuasive argument for the side you are given. You must include at least one response to an argument made by the other side. This is not a formal essay, it can take the form of sentences in bullet point. You must be ready for a debate next class. You will turn this in with your notes from the debates.(Due Oct 28th/29th)

Don't worry, if you already did the assignment below you are ahead of the game, it will be due next week.  HOMEWORK:  (Due Oct 28th/29th) Answer these "Checkpoint questions in Ch. 4 "Demand". They are on pages 133, 135, and 141. Be sure you use all the Key Terms on pages 129 and 138 . This might be a stretch but ALSO keep in mind the video competition theme "Markets Promote Peace" and write at least two ideas about how the ideas in these sections might influence this idea.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

TODAY: Roses and Thorns, Teamwork,  Reminder about Make-up Seminars, Finish Chapter 18 (abbreviated version) , Ch. 4 "Demand", Homework, Monday Quiz

Period 8 - Seminar "Who's protected by tariffs"
Period 8 - Ch 18 homework due Monday, Oct 27th.

Be ready to compare your answers
with those of other group members in 5 minutes.

HOMEWORK:  (Due Oct 28th/29th) Answer these "Checkpoint" questions in Ch. 4 "Supply". They are on pages 133, 135, and 141. Be sure you use all the Key Terms on pages 129 and 138 . This might be a stretch but ALSO keep in mind the video competition theme "Markets Promote Peace" and write at least two ideas about how the ideas in these sections might influence this idea.

Describe assigned ballot measure in your own words and write a persuasive argument for the side you are given. You must include at least one response to an argument made by the other side. This is not a formal essay, it can take the form of sentences in bullet point. You must be ready for a debate (Due Oct 28th/29th)

Be ready to take a one question quiz on Monday where you will be asked to calculate and analyze comparative advantage and the effect of a Tariff on the situation.